Since 2010, Ironhawk's product engineers, sales force and management have had a solitary focus on developing and manufacturing the world's best products for removing ice and snow.  Simply put, Ironhawk is your most knowledgeable source for snowplow blade technology.

Real Value

We know real value goes beyond just dollars and cents.  We provide products that are field-tested to deliver results season after season.

Real Results

From reducing plow noise to extending the life of the cutting edge, we are committed to delivering measurable results –the kind that improve the effectiveness of your plowing operation.

Real Innovation

We focus on creating innovations that work on the road –not just words on paper.  Our efforts to design and develop new materials, methods and products are driven toward advancing the science of snow and ice removal.


At Ironhawk, snowplow blades are our primary business, not a sideline project.  They have our complete attention –and as our customer, so do you.

Snowplow blades are who we are and what we do.  We understand all aspects of the business from how carbide performs on a molecular level to the best attack angle to minimize chatter, and from chip seal costs to to the logistics of keeping plows on the road.  We know you can't tell the snow to wait until a replacement part arrives.



Plow Companies
